Monday, November 25, 2013

Brief History of Thanksgiving

When the Pilgrims came to Plymouth in 1620 aboard the Mayflower, they had already agreed to abide by the “Mayflower Compact” signed while crossing the ocean and which obligated them to pass just and equal laws for the general good of the colony.
As Puritans, they also carried with them a deep and abiding faith in the Hebrew Bible, and believed that the laws in Leviticus were obligatory for them as well as for the Jews. It is no surprise, therefore, that after the hardships of that first, terrible winter where only 50 survived of the 110 who left England, that the then Governor, William Bradford, declared a day of Thanksgiving, saying “Our fathers cried unto Him and He heard their voice and looked on their adversity” (Deuteronomy 26:7). Knowledgeable of the Jewish scriptures, and considering themselves chosen like the Jews of old, they saw the Festival of Weeks (Sukkot) as a model on which to base their celebration of God’s mercy.
Bradford could not believe his eyes when a Wampanoag Indian by the name of Samoset walked into their devastated camp in March of that terrible year and spoke an English which he had learned from British fishermen along the coast. He introduced the starving colonists to his friend Squanto, who spoke even better English after having lived in England for over 10 years. It was Squanto who actually taught them how to survive the bitter Massachusetts winter by growing corn, catching fish, and tapping maple syrup from the appropriate trees in time before the next onset of winter. As the spring progressed, the colonists recovered, and to thank God and the Indians for their help, Bradford declared a three day Thanksgiving holiday that Squanto, the local Wampanoag chief Massasoit, and 90 braves attended. In the spirit of the occasion, and understanding the dire straits of the colonists, they also brought most of their own food!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013


The “local church” offers wonderful benefits:
1.   A sense of belonging
2.   An opportunity to use spiritual gifts
3.   Built-in accountability
4.   Organization or structure for ministry
5.   Fellowship for your entire family
6.   A precedent that is set for your children
7.   An opportunity to give for the work of the Lord
The Church at Ephesus was one of many early churches during the first century.  These needs were essential for the new believer, especially knowing what persecution they experienced.
God calls us NOT to solitary sainthood but to the “fellowship of the saints.”  As Paul said, “Many members, but one body!”
Remember, the Church isn’t so much a place where we go, but it is more so “who we are!”
Also, the local church is only viable if it is the outgrowth of a tremendous “purpose.”  What is our purpose or reason for existence?
1.   To evangelize
2.   To worship our God together
3.   To provide loving care for its members and non members
4.   To train our people for ministry
5.   To provide healthy fellowship
6.   To support the family structure.
7.   To be the light of the lord in a dark world
This “purpose” can be summed-up in our new mission statement:  “Loving God, Loving others and serving Him in our community.” 

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

If My People...

If My People who are called by My Name…”
·       Do you consider yourself a child of God?
Shall humble themselves and pray…”
·       Will you bow on your knees with me in humble submission to our Lord?
“Our heavenly Father, hear our prayer of confession!  Forgive us for:
·       Wandering from the sure foundation that was laid by our founding fathers. 
·       Ceasing to be the light You have called us to be.  
·       Being asleep in the light while the enemy advances in the dark!
·       For criticizing our leaders while failing to pray for them!  
·       Not faithfully carrying the torch that was handed to us by our forefathers.
·       Allowing anger to be the compelling force that motivates us to social action, instead of love for You and concern for country.
·       Not faithfully voting as people of God who are suppose to know the difference between good from evil.
·       Falling victim to secularism and the politically correct heresy of our generation.
“Forgive us ministers for:
·       The lack of fire in our bellies and passion in our hearts.
·       Allowing fear to be a compelling force so as to silence us from speaking the truth in love.
·       Preaching a “feel good” message so as not to offend anyone.
·       Not standing in the gap for the people!
“Oh, God we know we must turn from our wicked ways of:
·       Not putting You first.
·       Allowing politics, social activism and important issues to grab our attention and devotion away from You!”
“Lord, if we put You first, You have promised to:
·       Speak to Your people. Your silence is deafening!  
·       Forgive our sins which are many!
·       Heal our land!
“Oh God, that is our hearts desire!  Have Your own way and lead us into the future, for Your glory and for the good of our children and ourselves! In the Name of Jesus Christ, Amen”

Thursday, November 7, 2013

What Really Matters

Pastor Steve Nash

What are the most important concerns in your life today?  It could be that you’re passionate about a certain political or social issue.  You have written, hit the streets, even arrested in some kind of protest as I was several years ago.  You love your country, know its history and long for reformation in the land.  I’m with you brother and sister.  We have joined our hearts together to fight for what we believe to be essential and yet, we have to admit we have lost more battles than have won.
It seems to be one step forward and two steps backwards.  We have marched in numerous pro-life rallies.  We have attended many state and municipal meetings.  We have demonstrated in the parks, in front of government buildings. We have written several letters and signed countless petitions.  We will probably do the things above until the day we die.  It truly is a “good fight” we have committed ourselves to and we won’t back down!
There is an organization that has been founded in our state in recent years.  It is called “Faith, Family and Freedom.”  I have met with one of the founders recently.  I couldn’t help thinking about the title of his new organization.  I said to myself, “That’s what it’s all about – Faith, Family and Freedom!”  What a great name that so powerfully defines the reason for its existence.
Most of us have most likely lived at least half our life.  We have twenty or thirty years left to make our mark in attempting to turn our country around.  My advice to all of us is that we focus on what really matters.  If we think about what really matters we would have to admit that they are issues that involve faith, family and freedom.  Anything outside those parameters may be a waste our valuable time that presents so few opportunities.
I believe that Faith, Family and Freedoms are listed in the way they are because that is the order of priority.
Faith must always be paramount.  Without faith in God we have nothing to live for and surely nothing to die for.  Our faith has “eternal” significance when the others do not.  Faith in God gives us the hope of a better tomorrow for our family and freedoms.  Someone or something can take our family and freedoms away from us but they cannot take our faith!  Faith in our Lord enables us to be optimistic in a pessimistic world.  Faith in our Sovereign God gives us strength when we feel discouraged.  As the Apostle Paul put it, “I am cast down, but not destroyed.”  He also said, “For me to live is Christ and to die would be gain.”  No one can defeat that attitude and certainty of the great Apostle!
Family is the dearest gift, besides salvation, that God could ever given us.  We are knit together in a bond that words cannot explain.  We love, cherish and enjoy our family members.  I have 26 members in my immediate family.  Having seven children gives me a good foundation to expand upon.  My blood flows through their veins; my heart beats as theirs.  When we get together, there is a joy and gladness that rises higher and higher as the different members pull up in the driveway.  Sure, there are disagreements and misunderstandings that arise but they soon pass because we love one another!  My prayer is that all my family members will embrace my convictions and especially my faith!
Freedom is something we have long enjoyed as Americans.  Freedom from oppression and tyranny, freedom to worship God and raise our family as we think best are blessings from God who gave us those freedoms.  We have the freedom to get what education we can afford and seek a certain occupation.  We have freedom to buy land and build a home and marry the one we love.  We have the freedom to go to the ballot box and vote our conscience.  In fact, we have the freedom to be on the ballot!  Our freedoms didn’t come cheaply and they will only survive if we are willing and faithful to shed blood, sweat and tears.  We have freedoms that other nations only dream about.  Freedom is what America is all about!