Thursday, November 20, 2014

Pastor's Blog

Racial and Religious Wars
Pastor Steve Nash

Ferguson to Fallujah, Houston to Haifa; war in every direction we turn.  Ferguson, Missouri is on the verge of an all out race riot. In Fallujah, Iraq, captured by ISIS, we have an evil army, slaughtering people of their own religion.  Houston pastors are attacked by their own mayor and Haifa and other cities of Israel once again exist under the highest threat level because of Palestinians terrorists.  Does it ever end?  I take no stock in the philosophies of John Lennon, but I do understand his longing to, “Give Peace a Chance.”
Have you ever stopped to analyze WHY certain groups of people seem to always be at war with other groups of people?  Racial wars erupt because of “who” we happen to be.  One person is back, the other white; another person is brown, the other another race and color.  The color and culture we happen to be born into is what we call the “unchangeables.”  Being born black or white or brown is a matter that no one on earth has control over; that is God’s design.  What have we often done?  We all gravitate to those of our own kind and fail to take interest and build relationships with those who are different than us. 
God is a god of variety.  Consider the difference in flowers, trees, landscapes, animals, insects and even snowflakes.  They are all different, yet each has it beauty and place in God’s garden.  I marvel when gazing at a mountainside of varied fall trees as they together display their own special colors during the peak of autumn.  That exhibit wouldn’t be nearing as beautiful if they were all the same color.  It appears that God enjoys gathering His bouquet of flowers for all to behold every October in many of our states and around the world.  Can we not learn from creation?
Then we have those who war because of “what” they are.  I happen to be Christian.  I have a friend who is a conservative Jew.  Can we not love one another?  A few years ago, I noticed sitting in a pew of a church I pastored, an Israeli sitting next to a Palestinian worshiping Jesus Christ in one accord.  On another occasion as I was preaching to an Indian congregation in Queens, NY, ten Pakistanis’ entered the sanctuary to take part in the worship service.  Jesus Christ is the only world religious leader I know of who insisted that we tear down the walls that separate us! 
As much as I want to, I cannot understand why Muslims seem not to want to strive together with another religious group in order to experience peace.  In fact, today, Muslims are killing each other in Iraq, Syria and other parts of the Middle East.  It appears that the Muslim extremist feels they have a corner on truth, faith, heaven, hell, etc.  A friend recently reminded me that the Muslim extremist is the “orthodox” believer who feels they are following the literal teachings of the Koran and other, more moderate Muslims are merely white-washed, compromising people of Islam who are the backslidden Muslims. 
The Apostle Paul reminds us that “we wrestle not against each other, but against powers of evil in high places.”  If I were the devil, I would instigate strife and then rejoice when people, who happen to be different, are at war with one another.  I would dispatch my demons to stir up strife all over the world so that I will be more able to divide and conquer.  Then I would make an appointment to visit the God of heaven and earth and laugh in His face because His creation is an absolute failure; you know, the one created in His own image!  Yes, that’s what I would do, and I would enjoy every minute of that encounter.  
We war with one another because of the fact that we happen to be different in color, culture, race and religion.  It is quite amazing when we stop to think about it.  Jesus prophesied, that in the last days this world will become so divided that it will fall apart at the seams and eventually end at the Battle of Armageddon.  It will take the re-appearing of our Great God and Savior to intervene in order to establish world peace.  He will utterly destroy any one or any thing that gets in His way!  I do not what to be on the wrong side of that confrontation!

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