Wednesday, November 13, 2013

If My People...

If My People who are called by My Name…”
·       Do you consider yourself a child of God?
Shall humble themselves and pray…”
·       Will you bow on your knees with me in humble submission to our Lord?
“Our heavenly Father, hear our prayer of confession!  Forgive us for:
·       Wandering from the sure foundation that was laid by our founding fathers. 
·       Ceasing to be the light You have called us to be.  
·       Being asleep in the light while the enemy advances in the dark!
·       For criticizing our leaders while failing to pray for them!  
·       Not faithfully carrying the torch that was handed to us by our forefathers.
·       Allowing anger to be the compelling force that motivates us to social action, instead of love for You and concern for country.
·       Not faithfully voting as people of God who are suppose to know the difference between good from evil.
·       Falling victim to secularism and the politically correct heresy of our generation.
“Forgive us ministers for:
·       The lack of fire in our bellies and passion in our hearts.
·       Allowing fear to be a compelling force so as to silence us from speaking the truth in love.
·       Preaching a “feel good” message so as not to offend anyone.
·       Not standing in the gap for the people!
“Oh, God we know we must turn from our wicked ways of:
·       Not putting You first.
·       Allowing politics, social activism and important issues to grab our attention and devotion away from You!”
“Lord, if we put You first, You have promised to:
·       Speak to Your people. Your silence is deafening!  
·       Forgive our sins which are many!
·       Heal our land!
“Oh God, that is our hearts desire!  Have Your own way and lead us into the future, for Your glory and for the good of our children and ourselves! In the Name of Jesus Christ, Amen”

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