Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Pastor's Blog

I was born on July 4, 1776 and the Declaration of Independence is my birth certificate.

The blood of the world runs in my veins because I offered freedom to the oppressed.  I am many things and many people.

I am the United States of America!

I am 315 million living souls and the memory of millions who have lived and died for me.
I am Nathan Hale, Paul Revere, Washington, Daniel Webster and Patrick Henry
I am John Paul Jones, The Green Mountain Boys and Davy Crockett. 
I am Harriet Tubman who led slaves underground to freedom in the north.  I am Clara Barton treating the wounded on the battlefields.  I am Susan B. Anthony fighting for the woman’s right to vote.

I am Independence Hall, the Monitor and the Merrimac and Gettysburg, PA.
I am Lee, Grant and Stonewall Jackson.

I remember the Alamo, the Maine, Pearl Harbor and September 11, 2001.
When freedom called, I have answered and stayed until it was over.

I am the Brooklyn Bridge, the wheat fields of Kansas and the granite hills of Vermont.
I am the Lady in the harbor who beckons, “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free!”

I am the coal fields of the Virginias and Pennsylvania, the purple mountains of the Rockies and the fertile lands of the West. I am the Golden Gate, the Grand Canyon and the sky scrapers of New York City.

Ohhhh I am big, I sprawl from the Atlantic to the Pacific, from Alaska to Hawaii; four million square miles throbbing with industry, farms and city life.

I am George Washington Carver, Frederick DouglasJonas Salk, Albert Einstein and Dr. Martin Luther King. I am more than 350,000 schools and colleges and 600,000 churches where my people worship God as they think best.

I am the roar of a crowd in a stadium and the voice of a choir in a cathedral.

I am Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, John F. Kennedy and Ronald Reagan.  I am Rockefeller, Morgan, Carnegie, Ford, Steve Jobs and Bill Gates.

Yes, I am the nation and these are the things that I am.
I was conceived in freedom, and God willing, in freedom I will spend the rest of my days.
May I possess always the integrity, the courage and the strength
to keep myself unshackled, to remain a citadel of freedom
and a beacon of hope for the world.
I AM THE UNITED STATES of AMERICA!    -- Author Unknown (revised by S. Nash)