Wednesday, October 9, 2013

On the Job Training

The greatest training any younger person can receive is not found in the college classroom; it is found learning a little O.J.T. (on the job training) from someone like you.  I have been blessed through the years having received mentoring from Msgt. Ken Price who discipled me in my early Christian training.  Dr. John S. Logan, Scottish evangelist, was used of God to teach me how to preach.  Rev. Dave Errickson taught me how to serve people.  Azariah from India taught me how to manage ministries and trust in God for the results.  Presently, there is 91 year old Steve Bidak who is teaching me how to be a handy man around the church and parsonage.   It’s my time to return the favor to other young men who may follow in my steps as I have followed Christ.
There is a term I coined many years ago.  It is what I call “henship.”  That’s right; I said henship, not friendship.  Henship is simply taking someone “under your wing” and teaching them what you already know and have experienced.  If we don’t consider this opportunity we have decided to be poor stewards of what time and talent God has given us and are cheating others from benefiting from what we have to offer.  Do NOT think for a moment that you have nothing to offer.  That is a lie you need to stop believing!

A National Holiday

Once again we see the moles come out of their holes and attack the Christian Church because of our displays that celebrate Christmas. This happens every year but this year has an intensity I have not seen before.  Did you know that Christmas is a National Holiday signed into law by Pres. Grant?  We should be protected by Law but that seems not the case.
There are two responses to the above attack: 1. Speak out and oppose this intrusion on our religious liberties. 2. Ignore these attacks and try our best to celebrate the Christmas message without interruption.  My approach is to do both.  What could that mean?  I will speak out in defense of our religious and legal right to publicly display those things that communicate the Birth of Christ AND will continue to rejoice in the message of Christmas with my family and Church!  Let me add one more intention: I will pray for these enemies of the faith.

Be of Good Cheer

Originally Posted November 16th 2012
With all the disappointments, division in our country, trouble in the world, uncertainty about tomorrow; how can we possibly find reasons to be optimistic in our pessimistic surroundings? The real problems are NOT those outside, uncontrollable circumstances that tend to take us down. The real problem is that we are not living a life of faith and victory. We are not optimistic because we have a “misty optic!”
Is God sovereign? Is He not going to win in the end? Is He not concerned and listening to our daily prayers? Of course He is! We find ourselves in a win/win position. If things go well for us — that’s good. If they don’t — that’s good too! Why? Because Jesus said, “Be of good cheer, I have overcome the world!” We Christians are not only on the right side of history, we are also on the right side of a coming eternity!

Prayers for Change

The day after Election Day 2012 and I’m sure there are many disappointed voters who hoped for different outcomes.  I, being one, initially was a bit depressed but soon was reminded that we are not to put our trust in any individual or political party.  If things get worse for America we must all the more be the children of light God called us to be.  The truth is, we have greater opportunities to be the bight hope in a very dark world.  In either case, we are members of the winning team– we know who wins in the end!
Pray for opportunities to be children of light and love.  Speak the truth in love and never back down!  Jesus spoke of a “falling away from the faith” before He returns.  That time may be on the horizon. We do live in a “post Christian” era and have become a minority force when it comes to politics and policies that impact our society.  However, we are the greatest force this world has ever known when it come to impacting the multitude with the hope of eternal life through Jesus Christ!  Be encouraged; we must rejoice in the “win-win” position God has placed us.  ”The gates of hell shall not prevail against His Church!”